Letters · Lifestyle

Your ship will come in.

sister, friend, self-01

You are heartbroken, but it is just a feeling. I know it twists in the pit of your stomach and creeps into your head whenever you’re alone with your thoughts, but it is just a state of mind.

It isn’t real because they didn’t really have your heart, as you did not have theirs. Your heart belongs to you, and you alone. You can share it, but no one else can own it, and if they can’t own it, they can’t break it.

You are strong, and your heart shines bright like a beacon, warding off those that are not strong enough for you.

One day, a ship will come along that is not fearful of your beautiful light. They won’t be blinded by your beacon, but drawn towards it. Their ship will run aground and be wrecked upon your shores, but they will be ok. They won’t need their ship anymore because they’ll have found their home.

You’ll know because you’ll see it in their eyes every time they look at you, they will make you feel safe, and they will love you without needing to be asked or chased.

They will still sometimes make you angry, and might even upset you from time to time, but it will feel different. In your anger or sadness, you will no longer feel alone, because they will feel just as much as you do, they will care.

They will always care because you are the one that they were waiting to be drawn to. You are the one. 

All you have to do is keep shining, and live.



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