

Photograph by Carla Blain


Hello there, I’m Meg and I’m the creative vision behind Lemon & Birch.

I live in the countryside in North Wales, am married to Kieron (a handsome red-bearded engineer) and we have a chocolate labrador called Jolene. She’s the best.

I’m a Graphic Designer, creative thinker, and maker of pretty things. I trained as a silversmith and jewellery design at University, but got into Graphic Design over the past few years after landing a job in a corporate marketing team.

I recently left said job for a few reasons, the biggest reason being that I was really miserable helping such a big company get bigger with my creative skills. I got to the stage where I really needed to go for it on my own. It was now or never, so here we are! Not many pennies in the bank, but I have the freedom to build something I love and work from the sofa in my PJs if I really want to! Jokes…I definitely get dressed most days…

I love to mix things that you wouldn’t usually think of sticking together in my artwork. At the moment I am really into vintage illustrations, maps, and hand-drawn typography. I have a collection of books and resources I scan the vintage images from to digitise them, and then I go to work in my sketch book drawing out the text and graphics I want to put with them.

The hand-drawn text also gets scanned and digitised and then I mix everything together and add the finishing touches.

I am hoping to create a jewellery range in the same style as my prints and bags, so that is the next thing on the agenda 😀

Thanks for reading,
Love always, Meg x