
Monday morning

It’s Monday morning, I’m sat in Starbucks Deeside, and in approx 15 minutes I have to walk basically along a dual carriageway with no real pavement in order to get to work. My car is not healthy, we tried to have a nice Sunday drive out in it yesterday and it did not go well. It recently went into the garage to have the faults fixed (the check engine light has been on since we got the car), we got a bill for £350 and if anything, the car has got worse. Jerking and spluttering so much that my husband refused to drive any further in it.

Thankfully Kieron works close to where I am currently freelancing. If he wasn’t also working at Deeside there would be no way I’d get here on time as it would involve 3 buses (we live out in the sticks). So he’s dropped me off at Starbucks as I don’t start until 9.

Scanning through facebook when I first sat down with my latte I found out some terrible news. A friend who was battling cancer has passed away. This is a person I haven’t really seen in recent years, and I wouldn’t say we were close friends, but I worked closely with him on my music when I was still pursuing the impossible dream of creating and releasing an album. It was a long time ago. He was a great influence and very talented.

He was a great person, had in recent years got married and had a gorgeous little girl. He was so young. It’s so hard to think of him leaving his little family behind. All I can hope is that they’ll be reunited one day.

Rest in peace, Rich.

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